Resistomap platform

Water biosecurity platform

Biosecurity intelligence

Routine surveillance of AMR in any water environment

Resistomap offers a comprehensive, subscription-based solution for environmental surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) across sectors such as wastewater treatment, agriculture, and more. By outsourcing laboratory work to Resistomap, organisations can save significant time and resources while benefiting from specialised AMR expertise that ensures precise and reliable results.

Our service integrates advanced molecular genetic analysis with the powerful Resistomap Platform, developed in collaboration with environmental researchers and professionals, to provide an efficient tool for routine AMR monitoring and management. It’s a solution that supports effective AMR risk management, public health initiatives, and regulatory compliance, all while optimising operational costs.

96 genes

Comprehensive, targeted gene quantification designed for routine AMR monitoring in water and wastewater.

5 days

Analysis results available within approx. five business days from sample's arrival at our laboratory.

Designed together with wastewater treatment and water utility professionals.
Do you want to discuss how our water biosecurity platform can be implemented and used within your operational procedures and fit the internal systems, contact us through our form and select WWTP consultation.

Platform Functions

Resistance Index
Complement patient data with population level insights
Early warning system from a population angle
Enhance antibiotic stewardship

Comparative Risk
Compare the risk of hotspots between locations effectively
Track potential sources of AMR pollution
Decide on focus areas of interventions
Gene Reduction
Evaluate WWTP processes and treatment technology efficiency
Develop solutions to reduce the AMR burden
Pinpoint areas for development

Service steps

How we start:
AMR Monitoring Design
By providing customised antibiotic resistance monitoring solutions and comprehensive onboarding support, we cater to the unique requirements of each client.

We thoughtfully consider all relevant factors, from sampling accessibility to existing protocols and system integration, to deliver a tailored approach that addresses your specific needs.
What we test:
Water and Wastewater Sample Analysis
Our water biosecurity platform welcomes all types of client water and wastewater samples, offering comprehensive services that cater to your needs:
  • Installation of automated composite water samplers, when needed.
  • Detailed water sampling protocols.
  • Sampling kits equipped with 0.22 µm pore-sized PES filter units for effective water sample filtration.
  • Global pick-up and temperature-controlled transportation services to securely deliver your samples to our laboratory facilities.
We also accept extracted eDNA if your operations include in-house DNA extraction, ensuring a seamless analysis process.
How we measure:
High-throughput qPCR system
We utilise advanced molecular technology to detect and quantify AMR genes. Our laboratory process includes:
  • Environmental DNA (eDNA) extraction using commercial DNA extraction kits optimised for the isolation of bacterial DNA from water samples.
  • All extracted DNA is quality-controlled to ensure standardised and precise analysis.
  • High-throughput gene quantification using the SmartChip qPCR system by Takara Bio, targeting the 96 pre-defined gene markers.
How we deliver results:
Resistomap platform
Our cloud-based Resistomap Platform processes the quantitative AMR data and transforms it into clear, actionable insights, giving clients comprehensive information on AMR levels over time and across geographical locations.

Our analyses generate key metrics, such as:
  • Antibiotic Resistance Gene Index (ARGI):
    A comparable metric for assessing environmental antibiotic resistance gene abundance, derived from the mean relative abundance of a standardised set of highly relevant ARGs.
  • AMR Gene Removal
    A tool to evaluate the efficiency of processes and technologies in reducing AMR pollution, based on the percentage of AMR gene copies removal.
  • AMR Comparative Risk Score
    A feature enabling users to assess and compare AMR risks across different processes and environments, based on quantified AMR gene levels, pathogens, mobile genetic elements and genes associated with environmental pollution markers in water samples. 
What we measure:
96-Genes Panel for One Health
Drawing from our extensive internal database on environmental antimicrobial resistance genes, which has been cultivated over six years of service and research, we have identified 96 key genes for routine monitoring in water environments. The curated 96-gene panel consist of:

61 Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs)
  • Aminoglycoside
  • Beta Lactam (incl. Carbapenem & Cephalosporin)
  • Multi-Drug Resistance
  • Macrolide-Lincosamide-Streptogramin B
  • Phenicol
  • Quinolone
  • Sulfonamide
  • Tetracycline
  • Vancomycin
14 Pathogens
  • Enterococci
  • S. aureus & Staphylococci
  • K. pneumoniae
  • A. baumannii
  • P. aeruginosa
Water Safety 
  • E. coli
  • S. typhi
  • V. cholerae
  • Shigella
  • Legionella
  • Campylobacter
  • C. auris
  • C. albicans
in addition to
  • 10 Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) - Class 1 Integron, plasmids, insertion sequences, transposons.
  • 6 Environmental Pollution Markers - CrAssphage, Mercury, Biocide, Colistin resistance.
  • 4 Microbial Source Tracking (MST) - Human, Bovine, and Swine.
  • 1 Bacterial DNA Control - 16S rRNA Gene.

In total, Resistomap's comprehensive gene detection and quantification capabilities encompass a total set of 620 genes.

Are you working in LMICs?

Contact us to consult how we can support projects for AMR monitoring in the environment.

Monitor antibiotic resistance today and make an impact on tomorrow

Contact us to consult how our services can benefit your organisation